The research project building blocks
The DEEP CITIES (CURBATHERI)-project is designed in seven work-packages (WP). Five WPs (from 1-5) respond to the research questions and are led by each partner institution. Two WP (6 and 7) are charged with the managerial and dissemination logistics of the research.
JPI Presentation of Curbatheri – Deep Cities

WP1 – Concepts
WP1 sets the theoretical arguments that will guide the research at the different stages of analysis.
WP3 – Laboratories
WP3 Develops further lessons learned from the observatory stage and explores participative methods (face-to-face and digital) previously identified as relevant in the case studies, which at this stage serve as ‘Laboratories’.
WP 5 – Evaluations and recomendations
WP5 draws evaluations and recommendations as a conclusory stage.
WP2 – Observatories
WP2 identifies and analyses factors enabling or challenging the integration of participative approaches in urban planning practices across 4 case studies serving at this stage as ‘Observatories’
WP4 – Managment Toolbox
WP4 applies lessons learned in previous WPs to assemble a digital toolbox that facilitates participatory and people-centred methods extracted from experience in four European case studies.