Lead: The Norwgian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research (NIKU) | |
Roles of participants: Torgrim Sneve Guttormsen will lead the WP, assisted by Paloma Guzman and with the support, participation and comments of all partners. | |
Methodological description A conceptual framework and theoretical background on transformation applicable to urban planning will provide a critical foundation to the project. To do so, historical and archival document analysis (research literature, policy documents etc.) will be done by using discourse and conceptual analysis. Heritage preservation literature will be critically explored and placed in a discursive map of knowledge, perspectives and divisive aspects on historical transformation. | |
Tasks: T1.1: Historical and desktop research: Critical review of preservation literature emphasising transformation as heritage value. T1.2: Based on T1.1. explore and develop theoretical paradigms, models and discursive relations on heritage as static time and historical change. T1.3: The main methodological approaches include a conceptual synthesis for critical reflection and discussion to be further developed and applied in the following WP’s. | |
Deliverables: DELIVERABLE 1.1. A theoretical framework. A working paper. DELIVERABLE 1.2 The Online Oslo Workshop March 11, 2021: Curating change in deep cities DELIVERABLE 1.3a Conference presentation. Preserving the value of the urban transformations in Barcelona, London and Oslo DELIVERABLE 1.3b Conference session EEA DELIVERABLE 1.4 Assemblage urbanism: the role of heritage in urban placemaking |