Kalliopi Fouseki is a Professor in Sustainable Heritage Management at the UCL Institute for Sustainable Heritage (ISH) and the UK-PI for the CURBATHERI project. At ISH she has been leading over the last 9 years the MSc in Sustainable Heritage and supervising a large number of international PhD students in sustainable heritage management with particular focus on heritage-led regeneration and the contribution of heritage to the sustainable development goals as well as on energy efficiency in historic urban areas in Mexico, Thailand, Indonesia, Greece, UK, China, Taiwan, Egypt, Nigeria and Kosovo.
She has led and been involved in a number of national and international projects, including, among others, the JPI Heritage Values Network, the AHRC Collections Demography project and IEA Task 59/Annex 76 on Deep Renovation of Historic Buildings Towards Lowest Possible Energy Demand and CO2 Emissions.
Her recent book Deep Cities: Heritage and Sustainable Urban Transformations co-edited with Torgrim Sneve Guttormsen and Grete Swensen from the National Institute for Cultural Heritage Research provided the stimulus for the CURBATHERI project.
Currently, she works on two book projects aimed to be published in 2021 by Routledge and UCL Press respectively including the first Handbook on Sustainable Heritage and a monograph on the dynamics of heritage. Kalliopi will be leading the Work Package dedicated to the development of a ‘system dynamic model’, that is a ‘model’ which will display what social, cultural and economic factors are enabled during the regeneration of historic urban areas. The focal case study is the case of Woolwich, one of the most deprived areas in London (see case study information).
A researcher with expertise in ‘participatory system dynamics’ will join the team in June 2021. In the meantime it is worth noting that prior to embarking to the JPI project preliminary work providing the basis for the modelling process has been carried out by 7 MSc Sustainable Heritage students including Sharon Shie, Mingsu Xie, Harriet Kyaw Thaung, Alex Hayes, Jiahe Lu and Yunjian Liu. Their work includes studies on the change of the town scape at the Woolwich Town Centre and Royal Arsenal, the economic and social change in both areas and current perceptions of local communities inhabiting both areas providing a solid basis. The results of these preliminary studies are currently in the process of publication.