Junyi Wu is a postgraduate student of MSc Built Environment: Sustainable Heritage at the UCL Institute for Sustainable Heritage(ISH). She is now working with Professor Prof. Kalliopi Fouseki for her research dissertation on Woolwich, focusing on ‘heritage-led regeneration’ and ‘social cohesion’.

Junyi holds a bachelor’s degree in Real Estate Management at East China Normal University. During her study at ECNU, she proactively participated in the 2018 and 2019 National Real Estate Marketing Planning Contest, respectively doing research on Reconstruction planning project of demolished land in Zhuanqiao area of Shanghai and Renovation planning project of Longtengyuan Estate in Huilongguan area of Beijing. These experiences further increase her interest in urban regeneration, and she completed her undergraduate dissertation with the Research on the Impact of Mega-Events on Urban Development from Perspectives of Urban Renewal.