Elisa Pruno is an Adjunct Professor of Archaeological Research Methodology -University of Florence – SAGAS Department. Membre associé of LA3M (Laboratoire d’Archéologie Médiévale Méditerranéenne) – Aix en Provence.
From 2009 director of Medieval Montaccianico (Scarperia-FI) archaeological-territorial project. Responsible for the Excavation and the Archeology of Production in Crusader and Ayyubid settlements in Transjordan, University of Florence, Scientific Director Prof. Michele Nucciotti and Responsible for the Archaeology of Production in The Making of the Silk Road in Armenia (cc. 7th-14th): Vaiots Dzor and Arates Monastery, University of Florence and Yerevan State University, Scientific Director Prof. Michele Nucciotti. Author of a monography and of over 50 contributions and articles in Italian and international scientific journals.
Elisa is interested in the artisanal production during the time, with a special focus on medieval period. Her focused materials are stone and pottery, form the point of view both of production and consumption. Her main interests are in Mediterranean space, Italy, Near East and Armenia and she is also interested in methodological approaches regarding archeological theory.
She is member of the Board of the Lunensi Studies Center andMember of SAMI (Italian Archaeologists Medieval Society) Board.