Lead: The University of Sterling
Roles of participants
PIChiara Bonacchi and Sian Jones will lead WP3 in collaboration with K. Fouseki, providing guidance to national PIs for related work on their case studies.
This WP will build on WP1 and WP2 to refine a suite of pre-conceived participatory methods online and offline to capture people-centred values of urban heritage in the case studies (Jones 2016; Bonacchi 2018): Focus groups in the urban planning and conservation process (e.g. architects, local authorities, conservators, etc.);Qualitative interviews with key stakeholders to explore the role of the deep city in urban development and unfolding relations between people and place.
Photo elicitation for participatory mapping involving stakeholder groups and online audiences. Participatory consensus-oriented workshops.Use of photographic material from historical archives to facilitate discussion on memory and sense of place through crowdsourcing platform MicroPasts (crowdsourced.micropasts.org), and geographically distributed for social tagging.
Data science on relevant social media fields will investigate people’s interactions with case studies online and will be integrated into an on-platform examination of images using R Free and Open Source Software.Fieldwork and participatory workshops for future visioning in case studies in UK and Italy will discuss and gather feedback on methods employed and set the basis for experimental activities drawing the ‘deep city’ into developing people-centred urban planning processes.
Critical discourse analysis (using the software NViVO), mixed data-intensive and qualitative approach (topic modelling, term frequencies and associations, cluster analysis and close reading) will be applied to analyse collected data (Bonacchi and Krzyzanska 2019).
- One month of fieldwork in Woolwich, UK, followed by one month of data analysis carried out by two short-term RA appointments under the supervision of Bonacchi and Jones.
- One month of fieldwork in San Donato, Italy, led by PI Nucciotti and trained by PI Bonacchi, carried out by a researcher employed for this purpose at the University of Florence.
- Participatory workshops with urban planning and community stakeholders in Woolwich, UK, and San Donato (Florence), Italy. These will involve a discussion of results from 1 and 2, and an element of future visioning.
- Participatory/discussion groups in Spain and Norway, for comparable analysis testing the modelling results.
- Compilation and dissemination of summaries on the observatories work for further refining the interactive model.
- Assessing the dynamic social values of the ‘deep city’: An integrated methodology combining online and offline approaches